Year of the Dog celebration at EP Equipment

Once every year, the EP China team comes together to celebrate the teamwork of the past 12 months and celebrate the new year.

2017 was the year of the rooster, in 2018 we welcome the year of the dog, an animal characterised to be especially honest and loyal. In China, it is still popular to name dogs Wàng Cái (旺财), as it means “prosperous wealth” and comes from dogs’ barking sounds (旺旺—wàng wàng).

It is also time to thank our partners all over the world for their great support in 2017 and their trust that we will keep the spirit of innovation glowing in the upcoming years. In 2018 EP Equipment will work even harder to push innovation and excellence in service to generate Wàng Cái (prosperous wealth) for our partners.

New year celebration

Every year the EP factory organises a party, where all our employees unite and welcome the new year. This year over 1.300 employees celebrated together with the management team of EP Equipment in our hometown Anji, China. For every years ceremony our employees prepare different show acts and present their talents to their colleagues.


happy new year and all the best to your families